About us
Miguel Angel Gallardo Abogados
Miguel Ángel Gallardo Abogados, was built in 2003, serving companies from multiple sectors, always upholding the best standards for our clients, big and small alike.
We assess companies and indivuals alike, in different law branches as fiscal, commercial and banking.
Miguel A. Gallardo, the owner of the business is a practicing lawyer since 1989, has developed his professional career in the international field.
Established in the United Kingdom since 1989, he has worked for prestigious law firms. His extensive business experience and his knowledge of both Spanish and English law make him a professional of recognized prestige. He is currently a member of the Executive Committee of the Spanish Chamber of Commerce in the United Kingdom.
We work with multiple lawyers that specialize in our different areas of service, offering service throughout the world.
Our mission
Our business “MISSION” is to coordinate the synergies between our professionals, guaranteeing a high quality service with commitment and professional ethics in order to provide you with a global and continuous advice over time.

Contact us
If you wish more information, have a question or send us some information so we can work with you please contact us.